Your Voice

Dy Lais




Y Senedd

As we mark 25 years of devolution in Wales, we’re celebrating the stories of people who have used their voice to campaign for change.

Watch and listen as they explain how they worked with the Senedd in different ways to raise the issues important to their communities.

From our mountains to our cities and coast, voices from across Wales have shaped the story of the Senedd, and will continue to shape its future.

Wrth i ni nodi 25 mlynedd o ddatganoli yng Nghymru, rydym yn dathlu hanesion pobl sydd wedi defnyddio eu llais i ymgyrchu dros newid.

Gwyliwch a gwrandewch wrth iddyn nhw egluro sut maen nhw wedi gweithio gyda’r Senedd mewn gwahanol ffyrdd i godi’r materion sy’n bwysig i’w cymunedau.

O’n mynyddoedd i’n dinasoedd a’n harfordir, mae lleisiau o bob cwr o Gymru wedi ffurfio stori’r Senedd, ac fe fyddan nhw’n parhau i ffurfio ei dyfodol.
