Joined Up – Design Nation craft exhibition



Craft in the Bay

Design-Nation is a portfolio organisation of some of the most acclaimed and innovative designers and craftspeople from across the UK.   “Joined Up” celebrates the way in which Design Nation members spanning the UK have created multidisciplinary support groups and communities within its membership. Each region has a group called a Cluster Hub.

Mae Design-Nation yn sefydliad portffolio o rai o’r dylunwyr a’r crefftwyr mwyaf clodwiw ac arloesol o bob rhan o’r DU.  Mae “Joined Up” yn dathlu’r ffordd y mae aelodau Design Nation ar draws y DU wedi creu grwpiau cymorth amlddisgyblaethol a chymunedau o fewn ei aelodaeth. Mae gan bob rhanbarth grŵp a elwir yn Hyb Clwstwr.
